Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28 My Schizophrenic god

I woke this morning to my god who does not exist
My schizophrenic god who does not exist
My god that sets Sunni and Shia Protestant and Catholic at odds
I am sitting in a room of warriors who have come home
I am sitting in a room with their loved ones offering them comfort
A poet warrior professor reads of picking up a mustached lip off an Iraqi street
I am listening to a mother of the man whose body was stepped over to get to other soldiers
I am listening to that soldier who had much of his head removed by an IED and yet survived

I woke this morning to my god who does not exist
My schizophrenic god who does not exist
I am listening to my god shooting a Vietnamese in half as he runs up a hill
I am listening to my god interrogating a Palestinian in an Israeli cell
This morning my god droned a teenager as he sat al fresco drinking coffee 
This morning my god strafed and leveled a Salvadoran hamlet in one pass
This morning my coffee is wakening me with tears of rage 
This morning my god who does not exist is fading now

I am having a hard time trying to write a finale to my bicycle pilgrimage
The John Wayne McCains the Rambo crowd is clamoring for more war
In the Arctic in the Baltics and Ukraine in the Middle East and Africa they want more
I took in hope when the Peace Pope came an talked poverty and environment 
But the god fearing warrior class wants more blood from their projects
Riding a bicycle nor even Francis could not get us to stop them

I am immobilized now by my tears of rage

My schizophrenic god who does not exist knows no peace

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dan - your ride was a demonstration of one man attempting to change a system that is so entrenched that it will take many, many, many more of us to make inroads. However, the lives you touched on your ride have the same impact as a pebble in a pond - the ripples keep going and going. Thank you for what you accomplished!
