Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22 Story 3 Random Meetings

Today I met a man in a Chinese restaurant in Dalhart, Gary. I got there because the Thai-Chinese restaurant was not to open until later. But this place had an all you can eat buffet and I had time to take advantage of all that steamed broccoli and to be truthful some hot pepper and onion beef. I was watching the TV show COPS while I eat. Gary hadn’t seen the TV and ordered take-out. At first when I saw him come into the restaurant holding a bag of take-out asking to watch the TV I was wondering if there was going to be trouble. However it was apparent that he had just bought his food there. We sat across from each other eating and watching in silence until some dude got caught sleeping in a car repair shop that had set off a silent alarm. I mentioned out loud that he had to be guilty or he wouldn’t be on TV as I went for the ice cream. 

Gary it turns out drives a truck and had just driven a load of asphalt  from Huston to Dalhart, about 700 miles. I told him my story and gave him my leaflet, which he seemed to agree with. “I’ll read it later but it sounds like a good mission,” or something to that effect. Told him that I was a builder-remodeler and we talked a lot about that sort of stuff. Even how to fix a rotten bathroom floor of his church which he will do when he gets back to Huston. 

Victor I met days ago only way from Albuquerque to Moriarty, the 80 mile ride. He came up to me at the Dairy Queen asked me all about bicycling long distances. He has been wanting to do it. He accepted my leaflet.

The Hitchhiker 

This man I met yesterday in a Tex-Mex restaurant after I had arrived in Dalhart. In his youth he bicycled crossed country and even into Mexico. He gave me some useful pointers about surviving in Dalhart.

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