Check out the cars at this Wig Wam Motel in Holbrook |
Dinosaur bones and petrified trees are big in Holbrook |
This type of road sign is common along Rte66, this area is economically depressed, these signs must be from the late 50's
I am 600 miles out of LA and have climbed about 4 miles up, I don’t keep track of the down. Today’s ride to Chambers will be 47 miles and another 1,329 feet up. When I made the decision to leave I-10 through the flat desert and head north to I-40 through the mountains because of the heat I did not realize that I was entering the land of Joseph Smith. today I rode through Joseph City now just a small hamlet along the old Route 66, as are Holbrook where I am tonight and as was Winslow. Nice folk, even really good, just not my cup of tea when it comes to beliefs an all that.
In 1876 when the new settlers saw this land and had a mind for farming this must have been seen as paradise
It's my understanding that those who didn't like the cold of Alaska moved here. Every year a group of folk from Joseph City ride their horses to Utah’s Mormon Temple to have their marriages sealed. It’s called the Bridal Trail.
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